Saturday, December 26, 2009
Twelve Days of Christmas
I make a big deal of the Christmas season and celebrate it throughout the twelve days (December 25-January 5). I am making a post for each day at in good spirit. Today's is about a book I made from felt figures my mother made back in the 1960s.
Here are my favorite books of The Twelve Days of Christmas:
Jan Brett
Gennady Spirin
Robert Sabuda
Ilse Plume
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Quotations Books
I quote others only to better express myself.
Michel de Montaigne
I've always loved quotations. When I discovered calligraphy, I fell in love with the pen and the ink, but also the opportunity to write out quotes and express my love of words. In the last few years, I've started collecting quotes again. This time of year seems especially ripe for quotations as we prepare for the holiday season, reflect on the year that is passing, and look forward to the dawn of a new year.
I've made a series of small books of quotations to hang on the tree and attach to packages. Each book is made from one quarter of a sheet of US Letter/A4 paper with writing on one side only following the directions for the hot dog booklet. The covers are cut from saved greeting cards from previous years. There are two shapes of books. The traditional book shape on the package was made following the directions. The long, narrow books (one held vertically and one horizontally) were made by folding a hamburger first and then a hot dog. Notice that the package is wrapped with newspaper and tied with used videotape.
Written Directions
Youtube Video
Books and Links
Quotations for Kids by J.A. Senn
Over 2,000 quotations for kids. What I especially like about this collection is the number of quotes from children's book characters and children's book writers.
"The world is a wonderful place when you're young."
E.B. White, US author, said by a goose, Charlotte's Web
Daily Learners
A quote a day about learning with links to more information about the authors. Created by a homeschooling parent.
"The most important motive in the school and in life is the pleasure in the work."
Albert Einstein
I don't have a favorite general website for quotations. I usually search quotations and the topic and see what comes up.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Family Literacy Workshop
I had a wonderful time last night at Family Literacy Night at the Mill Pond School in Westborough, MA. Four groups of parents and children each spent fifteen minutes with me. I shared some of my collection of traditional books from different cultures and then we made one or two simple books together. It was fast-paced and lively and I heard lots of people talking about making more books at home which what I love to hear. As usual we used recycled materials: used paper with writing on one side and cereal boxes. Families also spent time looking at a display of sample books outside the room.
Favorite quote of the evening: "I'll never look at a cereal box the same way again."
Favorite reaction to a book: A mother looked at the Book to Heal the Spirit accordion book and told her daughter they would make one for a family friend who has cancer.
Photos from the evening
Books Around the World, a look at some of the books in my collection