Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bookmaking in Cuba

Deb Dannelly has sent these wonderful photos of children's bookmaking in Cuba. Thanks so much Deb. I know many others will be as inspired as I am. Beautiful!

I also wanted to send you photos of some of the children’s nature/flower books that were completed about three weeks ago in Havana in one of the workshops I conducted there. It was a big class of 18,mixed ages, probably from about 5yrs to 16yrs!!! With this class I tried to include as many as I could in the neighbourhood. The covers were made from donated centre cuts from art matboards from a framer which I brought with me to Cuba, the paper for the accordion was a nice heavier weight paper. I know you are a huge promoter of recycled materials but in the case of Cuba, I like to bring them beautiful papers that they may have never seen is a real treat for them. The images were made from their choices of beautiful collage papers, stamps and ink pads, and various sizes of coloured markers, or as you will see, all three!! They loved the workshop and there was paper, glue sticks, and ink pads looked like a cyclone had swept through....

I have sent one photo of the workshop in action and then individual shots of open books. Hope you enjoy them. I have told the children that I was sending you some photos and they were thrilled to think that someone else they didn’t even know,wanted to see them.

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